Incredible 42’s

Boston lost the 2022 NBA Finals 4-2, where Wardell Steph Curry became 4-2 in NBA Finals

The opening basket of game 1 of the 2024 NBA Finals was scored by #42 Al Horford

Boston led 42-24 at one point

Dallas scored 20pts in Q1 and 22 in Q2 and ended on 42 points at HT after Luka got their 42nd point from a 3, and I said Luka connect to War and WW3

World War = 42

War = 42

The beast of revelation wages war on mankind and reigns for 42 months

The star of the game so far has been #8 Porzingis

4×2 = 8

In 13 minutes he’s scored 18 points

Revelation 13:18

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

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