Alcraz was born on 5/5

If Djokovic wins his upcoming semi-final, Alcaraz will meet Djokovic in Djokovic’s 10th all-time Wimbledon final

Satan = 55 & 10

55 is the 10th fib and tri

  • Fourth Grand Slam final
  • 13 consecutive wins at Wimbledon
  • 13 consecutive Gran Slam wins
  • 17-1 in Majors this year

If he wins the final he will be 18-1 in majors in 2024

181 is the 42nd prime number

The beast of revelation reigns for 42 months

Alcaraz: Sunday will be a good day for Spain!

“I feel like I’m not new anymore, I know how I’m going to feel before the final, I’ve been in this position before.

“I’ll try to do the things I did well last year.

“It’s going to be a really good day for Spanish people as well! I’m not saying Spain is going to win, I’m just saying it will be a good day!”

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Lazzaro Felice
Lazzaro Felice
2 months ago

He’s commenting on the Euros final in the live post-court interview!

“It’s gonna be a good day for Spanish people as well” (smiles)
“I didn’t say Spain is gonna win, but I just think it’s gonna be a fun day”

Last edited 2 months ago by Lazzaro Felice
2 months ago

Spain to win euros then?

2 months ago

Exactly 365 days from winning Wimbledon for Spain to reach euros final feels like a big trap

2 months ago
Reply to  then9426

I think spain is the trap and england lift trophy just my gut thinking a 3-1 score final

Last edited 2 months ago by Anationworldwide
2 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

The final of the 17th edition of the Euros takes place 153 days after Juan Carlos Ferrero’s birthday.

153 = 17th Tri

Alcaraz supports Real Madrid and Real Madrid legend Luka Modric was in his’ box for his semi final victory over Medvedev.

On June 1st 2024 Real Madrid went 15-3 in European finals on the 153rd day of the year.

2 months ago


2020 the year of perfect vision and 2020 hindsight might just show you where you went wrong. T symbolic of the cross is the 20th letter of the alphabet, TT is 2020. Two crosses? check it out it’s flawless.
In January 2020 Charles Windsor announced he had Corona which means crown and is rooted in the Welsh word with the same meaning, Coron. Around the same time in January a psyop in Iran claimed a general by the name of Soleimani roughly translating to Son of Man was taken out indicating that Charles, satan knew and was telegraphing what was about to happen shortly…..
This is where we go outer limits, It was 22/3 2020 as in ☠️✝️✝️ and I Paul witnessed the crucifixion that began that day when the world was biblically locked down and everyone was under strict control and masked. I even experienced some of the pain and have a spiritual wound after coming face to face with Charles in his other bodiless form as his recent portrait reveals, although his head is close to that of a stereotypical satan with red face where everything is red but his face is isn’t. This also allowed me to see that God was showing me that Charles satan is also Cain as he has the mark which is blood stained skin to remind everyone that he is a murderer from the beginning. His gammon complexion and BBQ fingers reveal this curse 😂 🎉 👏🏻.
ChArles wINdsor, CAIN. CAmilla wINdsor, CAIN. CAtherine mIddletoN, CAIN. Hatrick and the seed of Cain revealed. Satan mirrors and copies Christ but inverts it for evil correct? When Charles declared he had the Corona he didnt have a crown did he? He did crown himself three years later though didn’t he? Therefore the Corona he was alluding to was the crown of thorns 😂 😂 😂 which is formed during the crucifixion process and only visible with a shaved head as it grows from under the scalp having wrapped itself around the skull/temple. So he is telling you that he is the Christ and that he was Crucified and had the Corona the crown of Christ. Then 3 years later crowns himself with a crown and is anointed with oil made by human hand. As a day is a year in the Bible and DAY reveals this, Day As Year he is rising again in third day and declaring himself Christ. Even using the title REX which is REturn X, Return of Christ and is prosecuting people in court using the title REX. He could not do this until 2023 because he is mirroring the truth and lying to you all. He knows who Christ is and so do his demons. If you were satan which flag would you put the red dragon of revelation on? Would he not put his mark on the true Holy land? Well this is a red flag and the red dragon was forced on the Welsh flag after satan’s birth. What is the mirror of Wales? England, where satan resides and what flag does satan have? The flag of St George which represents the bloody cross of Christ, his own bloody cross within him, for did you not the Kingdom of God is within? This deceiver and murderer has led you all astray. How do you think so many people were reborn in 2020? It’s because Christ was spiritually crucified in his flesh. His soul was pierced and invisible spiritual blood poured out of the soles of his feet for at least 5 days.
It is this spiritual blood that went out and raised up the dead in Christ from the four corners. This is how God touched those people and instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to guide them they fell and believed the false doctrine that is preached and taught online. This is to be expected but they should realise that they were raised up to confound the wise in their own eyes and find the spiritual truth and understand the miracle they have received and how it happened. This is criminal in my opinion that anyone thinks they can teach or call themself a watchman yet not be able to understand one word. These people are a plague of pestilence from the book of revelation preaching heresies, lies, blasphemies, the doctrine of devils unable to grasp a simple spiritual truth yet hope for the rapture by means of nuclear bombs being dropped on children. Dreams are prophetic and should be interpreted by a true prophet. Here is just one of the nuclear bombs you dreamed of. Plutonium Pu 94 sprinkled with Lanthanum La 57
94+57=151=Jesus Christ. Pu+La=Paul
Isn’t that better than killing innocent children? 😂 💣 💥 Sick people with no spiritual discernment or eyes to see.
You dream of two moons, and the moon symbolises the brain which looks like two half moons telling you that the red sea has been parted. Where? In the blue red sea? 😂 or the real Red sea🧠 💯? Where is the Kingdom of God? Did you say within? That’s better 😂. Now I know many of you are self righteous know it all’s that form your own belief systems based on what you want to believe instead of picking up your cross which is simply standing up, being counted and following after the true Christ, as your cross is inside you not outside. Think flesh is flesh there is no spirit in the flesh after death. If flesh became reanimated that would be a zombie 😂 😂 😂. It is the eternal soul of God that satan wanted to extinguish by nailing the soul to the flesh. However..spoiler alert..Christ takes satan’s head off in hell 😂😂😂 during the battle this time hopefully ending satan Charles forever.
Charles Windsor 👹👋🏻 ☠️🔜
Cymru+Wales+Charles+Arthur+George Philip+Mountbatten+Windsor=666
This presentation 🎁 was brought to you by UAP 👽 PAU…L Productions
Written by The True Prophet. You’ve been deceived believers this is the source of the water of life drink from this water and you’ll never thirst again, it is written.

Last edited 2 months ago by IesuPaul
2 months ago

The final takes place 10 weeks after Alcaraz’s birthday.

His’ coach JCF is 44, and Alcaraz can potentially go 4/4 in GS finals 44 weeks after Djokovic last played in a GS final.

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