Boston drop to 20-1 at home going into 20/1

This was the most obvious riddle and they did so by Denver scoring 102 pts (reflection of 201)

9/11 lasted 102 mins and the World Trade Center went from 2 buildings to 0 to 1

Denver were +600 in play and that’s when you cover

202 combined points

Skull and Bones = 202 and Nuggets won 2023 NBA Finals on George Bush Sr’s birthday

Boston end on 100pts and get 10th season loss

100 sq rt = 10

Satan = 10

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1 year ago

Yes, you the mentioned the 201 riddle in your code. I knew immediately the 102 was significant. Thank you for sharing. All the sports, news, current or upcoming movies, etc. are strongly indicating biblical prophecy end times. The four horsemen of the apocalypse—conquest, war, famine, and death.

1 year ago

This is what I thought was going on with this game. If Boston and Denver is going to play in the finals and if Boston is to win the finals then they would probably lose this game at home to Denver to fain weakness and get more bettors on Denver when we get there.

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