Both teams to score hits in Dortmund game

Dortmund are down 2-1 but are -112 and Bochum are -112 to not lose

Great narratives both both, so your call

Big things against Dortmund are the game is exactly 49 weeks after their coaches birthday

49 sq rt = 7

With a draw Bochum have 2 points and Dortmund 8 and 28 is the 7th Tri and the Bundesliga was founded in Dortmund on 28/7, which is the anniversary of WW1 beginning

7 is the 4th prime

Bochum can advance to 4 pts in the league with a win

When they game went 2-0 after 21 mins I was very confident the game would become 2-1

War = 21

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