Don’t take Pistons

Bulls win in blatant MJ riddle

Bulls drop Pistons to 13-67

6th and 19th primes

The Goat Michael Jordan was drafted on 6/19 by the Bulls

619 is the 114th prime and today is 11/4

Bulls get 42nd win

The beast reigns for 42 months

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10 months ago

Lmao Stay away from pistons no matter how good their code is

Last edited 10 months ago by Anationworldwide
10 months ago

Sorry about that one

Rain N Pain
10 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

Coded them winning recently beating wizards to go
13-61(18th p).
13/18 like Revelation 13:18.
Also had them winning beating the raps on 3/13 and beating bulls codes⬇️
It can be done but🤷🏼‍♂️❤️

Rain N Pain
10 months ago
Reply to  Rain N Pain

Pistons@Bulls ✅2/27/24

+450 pre game +700 in play w shoutout!!

Bulls get 51st home loss vs Pistons AT.
51(6th pentagonal) Kobes high score in the “six” his 666th game.
Toronto=36/36 (6th square)
666(36th tri)
Bulls get 999th away win AT.
Tuesday=23(9th prime)
Bronny James son of Lebron
has a 999 neck tattoo.❌(MARK)
Kobe known as a “Goat” and we are made to beLIEve he was sacrificed.

If you count every time, Jesus encounters somebody and heals them or blesses them that equals 153 times across the four gospels, when they were fishing and had not caught anything, then after that, Jesus tells them to cast their net and they catch 153 fishes. There are exactly 153 classifications or types of species of fish. So every type of human being that exists Jesus’s net is wide enough to catch them all.

Kobe bean Bryant=135
153 a anagram of 135 and 351.

351(26th tri)!!!
Kobe died on the 26th. God=26.

Bulls get 135th loss AT vs Pistons
Kobe bean Bryant=135.
Kobe scored 40+pts 135 times
Kobe won 135 playoff games.
Kobe was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame on the 13th day of the year
Revelation 13:5
And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.
Revelation 13 is about The MARK ❌ of the beast and the beast system.
The Bull is a beast.

satanic=115. 11 is the 5th prime.
The brand-new Chicago Bulls franchise earned its first victory on 10/15, 1966,
with a 104–97.
14 & 97 are huge!!⬇️ see code!!
97 being the 25th prime.
25 being the 5th square.
15(5th square) and 11(5th prime)

Pistons go 2822-3152 AT with win.
28/22 a sneaky 74. (7th tri/4th pent)⬅️
Jesus/Jesus Christ/lucifer=74.
3152 can be seen as 317.
3/17 is St Patrick’s day. (Catholicism)⬇️
3/17 typically the 76th DOY.
Barack Obama=76. 7×6=42 (months)
13(7th fib/6thprime)
13 big w Kobe and Revelation 13!❌(MARK)

⬆️317(66th prime)
Revelation the 66th book of the Bible.
Cos founded in 66.
Chicago Bulls established in ‘66.
This year St. Patricks day is the 77th day of year. 77 huge with 9/11. 9×1=99.
Gretzky another goat wore 99, born 1/26.
Revelation 9:11
11 And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.
Christ was likely born on 9/11 or 7/11 on a ❌THIRTEEN month calendar.
7×7=49. Revelation=49.
Pistons stay on 49 RS losses.
2/27 today (49th prime)

Bulls coach stays on 387 wins AT.
2671(387th prime) (71)
Pistons coach born in ‘71 (20th prime)
⬆️A sneaky 262.
Kobe drafted by MJ (Goat) on 6/26
Queen=62/26. Bryant=26.
Kobe “died” on the 26th. God=26.
101 like a 11, symbolic of a door or 2 posts.
101(26th prime)

The pistons represent the
machine or singularity.
19DN(8th prime) Kobe wore 8.
Obama was President 8 years.
Serpent=92(8th pent)🐍. 92=11⬆️⬇️
8:00 game time.
Bulls stay on 88 wins AT.
Back to the future (88mph) Trump=88.
Biff=Trump. Sports Almanac anyone?

Queen CORONAted in ‘53. (16th prime)
Exactly 44W 4D from Queens last bday.
Obama the 44th prez. 4×4=16.
Pistons coach gets 376th win AT
376 (16th pent)
1440 minutes a day.⏰
Bulls coach stays on 1440 losses.
Tuesday=40. 4 horseman of Revelation.
356 days until MJ’s next bday.
356 like 365 days a year. ⏰
24/7 a sneaky 67.
6×7=42. Again 13(6th prime/7th fib)
137(33rd prime) Kobe=33.

Detroit motor city=203/95.
Tuesday/Barack Obama II=94.
Barack Obama translates to lightning from a high place. As I’m writing this it’s been storming the entire time and only started shortly after I began.
RAIN thunder & lightning!

*Raptors another Beast! (no dinosaurs!)
I coded Raps to beat bulls in Chicago based on Obama primarily on 1/31/24.
I posted it and Raps were 1-9 in there last 10 games. They trailed by 10@halftime.
Raps won with 118 points.
Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning ⬆️fall from heaven.
Pistons coach born 10/8. 666=18.
MJ/Kobe/Obama/Bulls have so much 666.

The NBA’s first game was in ‘46.
Chicago/Catholic=46. 1081(46th tri)
181(42nd prime)
Barack Hussien Obama II=181.
Including end date 313 days from Queens last bday. Pope Francis papacy began on 3/13. Kobe died coming from
Catholic Mass. Lightning struck the basilica twice on the 42nd day of the year 4 weeks 2 days before Francis Papacy began. Again Barack Obama translates to lightning from a high place.(Hebrew)
The Tampa Bay lightning won b2b Stanley Cups in 2020👀21.
They say lightning strikes twice.
Obama had b2b presidential terms.
Obama was a senator of Illinois. (Chicago)
B2B=222. Order out of chaos=222.
lucifer morning star=222.

Mathmagician/Math Majik!
Today 2/27. 22/7=3.14. 🍰
3×14=42. Beast of Revelation reigns 42 months or 1260 days.
Michigan founded on 1/26.
Kobe “died” on 1/26. Barack=126.
Exodus 12:6:
And ye shall keep it up until the FOURTEENTH day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
Bulls get 14th home loss.

2/14 Valentine’s day like Queens bday4/21.
Coronavirus/Time Ritual=142.⏰
142nd day of Pistons coach age.

2/27 today. 2×27=54
Kobe bean Bryant/Illinois=54

Chicago=143. 8/23 Kobe’s bday.
823(143rd prime)
8+23=31. Bulls can get 31st RS loss.
31(11th prime)
127(31st prime)
Exactly 1M 27D to Queens bday.
Buildings 1,2,7.
Exodus 12:7
And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it.
11 symbolic of 2 side posts or a door.
11 huge with 911 in the 11th state.
The Bulls may be a blood 🩸sacrifice.

Kobe died 156 days after his bday.
156(911th prime)
Queen died 911 days after corona.
Time Ritual=128. ⏰
719(128th prime)
7109(119th prime)
Barack Obama=68 huge with 911/Corona.

The beast of Revelation reigns 3.5 years.
Kobe=75 like 57.
Mars=57. 5×7=35.
Revelation=149(35th prime)
35/35DN. Chicago=35.
Chicago Bulls=49.
Det stay on 49 RS losses. (7th sq)
Tuesday=40. 7(4th prime)
58th day.
Kobe Bryant=58.
Bulls coach 58 years old.
Detroits 58th game.
Bulls get 2285th loss AT (85)
Currently on that 8/4. Obama born 8/4.
1984(Orwell) 19/84 a sneaky 87.
Number of the beast=87
Rothschild just died at 87.
Kobe born in 78=15(5th tri)⬇️

*Teams often go into there next game with corresponding numbers or they pick them up that game. It’s usually still double coded, but can be worth a peak.

Det heading into Cleveland next game.
Cavs=9/45 (9th tri) Cavaliers=90.
Det can get 9th away win.
Tuesday=23(9th prime)
Detroit Pistons=203. ChiTown=34(9th fib)
Det stay on 49 losses in RS. (7th square)
Cavaliers=153(17th tri) 17(7th prime)
Ohio is the 17th State. God=17. 17DN.
Today 2/27. 22/7=3.14 🍰3+14=17.

55DN. satan=55. satanic=50.
Barack Obama=229.
Detroit motor city=229(50th prime)
Barack Obama II/Barack Hussien=50
Cleveland Ohio=125(5th cube)
Det go 9-49 in RS with win. 49(7th sq)
A sneaky 97(25th prime) ChiTown=97.
25(5th prime)
Det go 5-25 away with win.
A sneaky 55.
Bulls stay on 15 home wins. (5th tri)
Mars=15. Cleveland=47(15th prime)
Motor City=105.
Chi coach gets 150th loss AT.
Revelation 1:5 And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,

Cavaliers=63. 250047(63rd cube)
25/47 another sneaky 55.⬆️
Kobe retired in 2016(63rd tri)
Obama typically born 216th DOY.
This year is a leap year. (2/29)
229(50th prime)⬆️
Barack Obama=229.
Feb black history month.
Obama 1st black president.
This year Obama born on the 217th DOY.
MJ played in Chicago born 2/17.
Exactly 1 week 3 days from 2/17.
Or 10 days. 13 big with Kobe!
29DN(10th prime)
Pistons coach stays in 385 losses AT.
385(10th sq pyramidal) God/satan=10.
Barack Hussien=220(10th tetrahedral)
Bulls probably most satanic team.
22(4th pent) Tuesday=40.
22 chapters in Revelation.
2024 is the 22nd tetrahedral.

Bulls get 31st RS loss.
Pistons/Obama=31 (11th prime)
2/16 Exactly 11 days ago.

Mars=57. 57=12.
Detroit/Chicago/Bryant=37. (12th prime)
Bulls coach can get 307th loss AT. 37DN.
Usually today would leave 307 days
remaining. (Leap year) (2/29)
Again Barack Obama=229.

Today 2/27. 22/7=3.14. 🍰
3/14 is the 73rd DOY. 73DN pure.
Stephanie Curry’s bday.⛹️‍♀️
Queen=73. 7×3 or 3×7⬆️=21.
Kobe=21. 73(21st prime)
Queen died 9/8. Detroit=98.
Bryant/Barack Hussien Obama II=82
Queen born 4/21(82nd prime)

Bulls stay on 27 RS wins.
Exactly 207 days from Obama’s last bday.

Bulls go 27-31 in RS with loss.
27(3rd cube) 31(11th prime) (311)
Kobe Bryant=113 & corona declared 3/11.
Barack Hussien Obama=64.
311(64th prime) Michigan=64.
3×11=33. Kobe/Stephen/Bulls=33.

Barack Hussien Obama=163(38th prime)
308 days remaining. lucifer=38.
3×8=24. Kobe wore 24.
300 the (30th tri) The movie 300 about war and the spartans like Michigan.
WW3 like WWW=666 in Hebrew.
Obama wrote WWW on the one world trade centre. Obama may be the head of UN soon a one world government.

Bulls stay on 27 RS wins. (3rd cube)
Bulls get 14th home loss.
14 (3rd square pyramidal) pickup dual 3’s
(33) 3×3=9(3rd square)
Tuesday=23(9th prime)
Motor City=105. (14th tri)
Chicago Bulls/Barack Obama=68. 68=14.
Exactly 1 week 4 days from 2/16.
Again Obama usually born 216th DOY.
Det heading to the 216 area code next.
This year Obama born 217th DOY.
356 days until MJ’s next bday.
Exodus 1:26 And ye shall keep it up until the FOURTEENTH day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
Bulls first win was with 104 points like 14.

*Detroit Pistons=85.
Det can go 8-50 in RS w loss.
8×5=40. Tuesday=40.
Bulls can go 28-30 w win. 28(7th tri)
A sneaky 73. Steph born on 73rd day.🍰
73DN pure.
Chi coach can stay on 149 losses w Chi.
Revelation=149(35th prime)
Mars=57. 5×7=35.
35/35DN. Chicago=35.
58th day.
Kobe Bryant=58.
Bulls coach 58 years old.
Detroits 58th game.
Det can go 8-50 with loss.
Much More also.

All games are divinely double coded!!
You can have a great code and still lose..
Play smart or don’t play!! Don’t risk money you don’t have or can’t afford to lose!!!

I like pistons with points as my pick.
But I think they win out right!🤷🏼‍♂️

Guys more importantly than fiat money and sports which provides temporary dopamine hits and adrenaline…the end is near. Please get right with our Lord and Saviour before its to late!!⏰Jesus Christ is our only salvation. He died for ALL our sins. Have faith, be righteous and live the life on that narrow path!! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Rain N Pain
10 months ago
Reply to  Rain N Pain

Pistons@Wizards. ✅3/29/24

Like Pistons to 13-61 with win..playing the wizards in Washington.
1361 just played twice in recent days
13-61(18th prime)
Revelation 13:18
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
🩸Blood of Christ/Jesus Christ=146
Donald John Trump born 14/6
John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Wizards go 14-60 in RS with loss
Kobe retired in 2016(63rd ti)
Pistons go 6-30 away with win
Wizards go 6-30@home with loss
Pick pistons
Could be wrong
All games are divinely double coded❤️🙏

Rain N Pain
10 months ago

Raps@Pistons. ✅ 3/13/24

Originally was gonna go back to raps based on some surface. May have found something better..

34(9th fib) 22(6th tri) 96.
Pistons go 34 -21 against raptors AT w win
Sneaky 96. Queen died at 96. 9×6=54
Kobe bean Bryant=54

823(143rd prime )Kobe born on 8/23.
Queen died 911 days after coronavirus was declared. Kobe died 156 days after his bday. (911th prime)
Pistons stay on 3156 losses AT(156/6) ⬇️
51DN(6th pent)

👑Corona=crown. Kobe had a crown tattoo and was buried Corona Del mar.
Kobe=covid in Hebrew. (Screenshots)

Kobe Bryant=41(13th prime)
Mercury=41 (13th prime)
Revelation 13 about the # of the beast and mark❌
Queen born in 1953(62nd tri)

Queen CORONAted in ‘53
Det stay on 53 RS losses with win.
53(16th prime) 16(4th sq)
4th horseman is death. 40DN.
Mercury=40. Wednesday=44.
1600(40th sq) 820(16th tri)
Queen born 4/21(82nd prime) Bryant=82.
8×2=16. 16DN.

Raps stay on 458 away wins.(58)
Kobe Bryant=58. 5×8=40⬆️

Det go 12-53 in RS with win.
12(3rd pent) 53(16th prime)
John 3:16

Pistons get 1683 home win AT. (83)
83⬇️(23rd prime) lucifer=38

Raps stay on 43 wins AT vs Pistons
Raps go 23-43 in RS with loss. 2/3rds=66.6% Toronto=36. 666(36th tri)
Francis born in ‘36.
Toronto founded on 3/6.(6th sq)
Toronto AKA the six.
Kobes high score in Toronto, his 666th game.

3/13 today a Detroit area code.
Fu*k free world 313(8 mile)🐍
A reference to Francis Papacy date and destroying the free world.

Catholic=46. 199(46th prime)
Raps can get 1199th loss AT. Like 199.
11/99. 11×99=1089. 10+89=99.
9×11=99. Like 66.

Cos founded in ‘66
6x6x6=216. 21 (6th tri)
60DN pure.
Revelation 66th book of the Holy Bible
Michigan founded on 1/26.
Kobe died 1/26.
Raptors get 1200th loss AT,
210 is the 12th pent. 12
Raps stay on 21 road wins vs Pistons
away on time.
37 like 73(21st prime) 73rd⬇️ DOY
Queen=73. Kobe=21.
Wednesday/Bryant =37(12th prime)
Det get 12th RS with.

Pistons get 2825th win AT. 28/25.
28(7th tri). 25(5th sq). 75. Bryant=75.

Detroit stay on 117 home losses AT
Toronto =117(12th pent)
Revelation 11:7

7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them,

Raps get 62nd loss vs pistons.
Queen=62(synced with Kobe)
Raps go 21-34 vs pistons AT away
21(6th tri). 34(9th fib)
Sneaky 69. Queen Elizabeth =69

Think pistons win..machine beats beast🤷🏼‍♂️
Could be wrong.

Hopefully a in play opportunity. Im beat so try to have a eye.

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