#81 Oscar Jack Piastri shocked the world and won the Hungarian Grand Prix, winning his first ever F1 race, and doing so on the same day that 81 year old Joe Biden announced that he would be stepping out of the 2024 Presidential “RACE”

Oscar Piastri has taken his debut Grand Prix victory in Hungary after intra-team drama played out, with McLaren team mate Lando Norris belatedly responding to an order to hand back the lead to the Australian who had lost out due to the team’s pit stop strategy.

Piastri became the first driver to carry #81 since drivers were able to choose their race number in 2014

Joe Biden stepped out of the 2024 presidential race, 8 months and 1 day after he turned 81 years old

Ritual = 81

In 2020, Joe Biden received 81 million votes on his way to becoming the 46th US President

#81 Oscar Jack Piastri shocked the world and won the Hungarian Grand Prix on the same day that Joe Biden announced that he would be stepping out of the 2024 Presidential “RACE”, and he was born on 4/6!!!!!

The top 3 drivers were #81, #4 and #44

81+4+44 = 129

Revelation 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

After winning the race in Hungary, Oscar Jack Piastri advanced to 246 career points

246 passengers died on 9/11, which occurred in 2001; the same year that Oscar Jack Piastri was born

Matthew 24:6

And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

Oscar Jack Piastri  was born a span of 159 days before 9/11

9/11 began at 9:37am

937 is the 159th prime number

Joe Biden stepped down on the the 37 year anniversary of the coldest day ever recorded, which just so happened to fall on National Ice cream day, and Oscar Jack Piastri won the Hungarian Grand Prix, exactly 37 weeks before his birthday!

Biden Expresses ‘Hope’ for Gaza Ceasefire While Eating Ice Cream With Seth Meyers

Biden discussed a ceasefire in Gaza while standing at the counter of an ice cream shop.

“My hope is by next Monday we’ll have a ceasefire,” the president said, while clutching a sugar cone topped with a scoop of mint-chip.

Biden was visiting the ice-creamery with TV host Seth Meyers, whose talk show he’d just appeared on.

When a reporter asked about a ceasefire proposal the pair had discussed on the program, it resulted in an awkward visual.

Nothing says ‘we’re taking this seriously’ like talking about a war that has killed ~30,000 people with an ice-cream cone halfway to your mouth,

Yet more incredible evidence that all sports and entertainment at the highest level is coded and connected.

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2 months ago

Amazing bro!

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