The first ever Simpsons episode was aired on 12/17/1989, on Pope Francis’ 53rd birthday

It was called Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire

Marge has to spend all the family’s Christmas present money getting Bart’s tattoo removed, so Homer gets a job as Santa but bets all his wages on a dog with a festive name.

Santa is an anagram of Satan

Dog is an anagram of God

The first episode of The Simpsons was aired in ’89, on Pope Francis birthday, and Pope Francis will turn 89, in 2025, on the 36 year anniversary of The Simpsons first episode

666 is the 36th tri

Pope Francis was born in ’36

Pope Francis will turn 89, exactly 666 weeks after he became the Pope, which was on 3/13/2013.

Revelation 13:18

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

Pope Francis and the Vatican will open five spiritual portals starting Christmas Eve that are part of Roman Catholic Church rituals that date back to 1300. (Of course none of this is biblical!)

Satan is often identified with the serpent in the Bible, so the following should come as no shock:


Vatican City was founded the year of the snake

The Simpsons first episode was first aired the year of the snake

Pope Francis turns 89; the year of the snake, exactly 666 weeks after he became the pope.

Francis became the pope on the 72nd day of 2013

There’s 72 goetic demons!

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2 months ago

Wow! Incredible stuff!

2 months ago

Inter Milan are called the “snakes/serpents/biscione” and they play lazio tonight

Last edited 2 months ago by sniiper
2 months ago

mind blowing adam,cheers brother,much love.

2 months ago

The dogs name was “Santa’s Little Helper” wasn’t it?

2 months ago

I remember that episode when I was a kid. Simpsons was more watchable way back then. It went stale for me late 90s,way played out in 2000s.

2 months ago

Speaking of portals. I don’t know if you know who he is,he’s a truther but not in the gematria community. Guys name is Jake the asshole. Sometimes I watch his live streams after work.

Anyways his last live he was talking about the flat earth stuff. And he had a caller call in and was trying to prove him wrong that the world isn’t flat. Jake said on a globe model someone would be able to see the back of the moon or sun. Or the top or bottom of it. Jake thinks we all see our own sun and moon.

A commenter said in the book of Enoch ,it says the sun and moon go through portals. And since I got into the truther /conspiracy community. I’ve heard a lot about portals and how they try to open up portals. To me this makes sense,that they know there are portals and that the globe and space thing is a lie. And why they are obsessed with opening portals.

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