The NFL is nothing if not unpredictable (rigged). In Week 8 alone, the Washington Commanders edged the Chicago Bears on a walk-off Hail Mary. The Jameis Winston-led Cleveland Browns upset the Baltimore Ravens. And the Philadelphia Eagles cruised over Joe Burrow and the Cincinnati Bengals. Week 9 promises to be just as dramatic

Week 9

9 sq rt = 3

Ravens vs Broncos

Ravens lost week but should win this week

Ravens can become 8-1 at home vs Broncos

81 sq rt = 9

Week 9

9 sq rt = 3

Ravens get 3rd home win

Broncos stay on 3 road wins

Ravens stay on 3 season losses

Ravens can become 3-1 at home and get their 11th win vs Broncos

31 is the 11th prime number

11 is the 5th prime

Broncos stay on 5 season wins

Ravens get their 3rd season home win

Derrick Henry was born on the 4th day of the year

A Bronco is a type of horse

The 4 Horseman

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is a metaphor depicting the end of times in the New Testament. They describe conquest, war, hunger, and death respectively.

Bengals vs Raiders

Brady numbers for Bengals win

They become 4-5 with a win

Brady retired at age 45

45 is the 9th tri and this is both teams 9th game of the season

Brady holds a 5% stake in the Raiders and Bengals can stay on 5 season losses

Raiders drop to 2-7

Brady won his last ever Super Bowl on 2/7

2×7 = 14

Bengals can become 1-4 at home as Raiders drop to 1-4 away as Bengals get their 14th win vs Raiders

NFL = 14

Brady won his last Super Bowl at age 43 (14th prime)

Panthers vs Saints

Saints advance to 3-6

The Beast of Revelation reigns for 3 years and 6 months

666 is the 36th tri

Panthers drop to 1-8

3×6 = 18

Saints can advance to 2-3 away

23 is the 9th prime

Week 9

Saints can get their 16th road win vs Panthers

16 sq rt = 4

Panthers can get their 4th home season loss

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4 months ago


Now that Brady is part owner of the Raiders I expect his numbers to start appearing all over the place and here is a great example

  • CIN goes to 4-5 197 days till the founder of SK&Bs next death anny

197/45P: Skull & Crossbones=197
Moon in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Sagittarius / Jupiter / Paycor Stadium=45
Brady retired at age 45 

  • CIN goes to 1-4 at home / LC drop to 1-4 on the road and CIN gets their 14th AT win vs LV and CIN QB stays on 14 AT home losses

191/43/14P: Elizabeth II=191
Las Vegas Raiders / Queen City / Joe Burrow=43
Brady won last ever SB at age 43
Pope born with 14 days remaining on Saturnalia

  • OAK drops to 2-7

103/27P: Pope Francis=103
Bengals / Sun / Jupiter=27
Brady lost 10-3 in his first ever NFL game and retired during the 103rd NFL season
Brady played in 10SBs and  won his 10th SB on 27

  • CIN stays on 21 AT losses vs LV

73/21P: Queen / Week Nine=73
Queen / SUnday / Pope=21
Brady officially became minority Raiders owner 73 days after his bday
Brady won 7 outta 3 SB’s
Brady retired on 2-1

  • CIN goes to 11-6 AT at home vs LV

Joe Burrow / Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr=116
Bradys last game was on 116

  • CIN stays on 204 AT home losses

Skull & Crossbones=204
89/24P: Bengals=89
Tom Brady=24 

  • CIN HC gets his 46th AT win

199/46P: Brady drafted 199th Pick
Tom Brady / Paycor Stadium / Joe Burrow=46

  • CIN QB gets his 38th AT win

163/38P: Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr=163
38DN Joe Burrow / Raiders=38
Brady won his last ever SB on the 38th DoY and won SB XLIX at age 38

  • LV QB stays on 26 AT wins

101/26P: Las Vegas Raiders=101
Queen / Raiders=26

4 months ago


Gotta go Bills here to many Queen numbers for them

  • BUF last beat MIA 52 days ago


  • BUF goes to 7-2 72 days from Kobes last bday

Moon in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter
Jupiter / Buffalo Bills /  High Mark Stadium / Sunday November 3 , 2024=72
Francis became Pope on the 72nd DoY
Brady won SB on a day leaving 72 DLiY
72 MIA Dolphins were only team to go undefeated

  • BUF goes to 4-0 at home

173/40P: Pope Francis=40
Brady came out of his initial retirement 40 days after his initial retirement announcement

  • MIA drop to 2-6  and BUF stay on 26 AT home losses vs MIA

101/26P: Florida / Week 9 / Queen=26

  • MIA drops to 1-3 on the road 179 days till the next Illuminati foundation anny

179/41/13P: KB=41
13DN / Miami / Sun=13
Miami’s logo is a Sun

  • BUF stays on 62 AT losses vs MIA


  • BUF gets 36th AT home win vs MIA

Sagittarius / Jupiter / Buffalo Bills / Miami / Dolphins=36

  • BUF QB gets his 44th AT home win 44 days till the Popes next bday

193/44P: Week Nine=193

  • MIA stays on 215 AT road wins

Orchard Park New York=215
Brady born on the 215th DoY

  • MIA gets their 257th AT road loss

257/55P: Queen Elizabeth II=55

4 months ago


I like TEN to get their 1st home win of the season here

  • TEN last beat NE in TEN 312 weeks ago and its 312 days till the next 9-11 anny

Pope /Jorge Mario Bergoglio =312

  • TEN goes to 2-6 and stay on 26 AT losses vs NE

101/26P: Week 9 / Queen=26

  • TEN goes to 1-3 at home 179 days till the next Illuminati foundation anny

179/41/13P: Tennessee=41
13DN / Sun=13

  • NE drop to 2-7

103/27P: Jesuits / Pope Francis=103
Moon in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter
Jupiter / Sun / Titans=27
Brady lost 10-3 in his first ever NFL game and retired during the 103rd NFL season
Brady played in 10SBs and  won his 10th SB on 2-7

  • NE drop to 1-4 on the road

 191/43/14P: Elizabeth II / Society of Jesus=191
14DN / Sun=14
Brady won last ever SB at age 43
Pope born with 14 days remaining on Saturnalia

  • TEN gets 19th AT win vs NE

67/19/8P: Sunday November 3 , 2024 / New England Patriots=67

  • TEN goes to 12-7 AT at home vs NE on 11-3

127/31/11/5/3P: New England=31

  • TN gets 12th AT home win vs NE 37 days from the last SoJ anny

157/37/12P: Foxborough=157
Patriots / Nashville=37
Brady won SB XLIX at age 37
Queen Elizabeth II became the Queen on the 37th day of 1952
Brady wore#12

  • TEN stays on 530 AT losses 53 days from the last 9-11 anny

241/53/16P: Sunday November 3 , 2024 / Tennessee Titans=241

  • TEN gets 280th AT home win

Thomas Edward Patrick Brady=280

  • TEN stays on 228 AT home losses

Queen Elizabeth=228

  • NE stays on 580 AT wins w 58 DLiY on 58DN PURE

Twin Towers / George W Bush=58

4 months ago
Reply to  Savy7878

Dodgers just used Pats plane to come back to LA. Not taking a chance here on this game.

4 months ago
Reply to  Savy7878

Amazing call with Tenessee here. Nice work.

4 months ago


Goin Cardinals here

  • AZ last beat CHI 1064 days ago

Brady drafted on 164

  • AZ goes to 5-4

Sun / Barack Hussein Obama=54

  • AZ goes to 3-2 at home  13 weeks & 1 day till Bradys next bday

131/32P: Anton LaVey=131
Lucifer / Barack Obama=32

  • CHI drops to 4-4 44 days till the Popes next bday

193/44P: Week 9=193
Arizona Cardinals=44
Obama the 44th POTUS

  • CHI drops to 4-4 and 0-4 on the road and AZ stays on 4 losses and AZ gets 17th AT home win vs CHI 277 days from AZ QBs next bday

277/59/17/7/4P: Pope Francis / Kyler Murray=59

  • AZ gets 30th AT win vs CHI on 11-3

113/30P: Sunday / KB=30

  • AZ stays on 60 AT losses vs CHI

Arizona Cardinals / Phoenix / Phoenix Arizona=60

  • AZ stays on 29 AT home losses vs CHI

109/29/10P: Arizona / Sagittarius=29

  • AZ stays on 350 AT home losses

149/35P: Obama born w 149 DLiY
Moon in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter / Sun in Virgo
Jupiter / Virgo / Chicago=35

  • AZ HC gets his 9th AT HC win

23/9P: Chicgao=23

  • AZ QB gets his 33rd AT win

137/33P: Phoenix Arizona=137
Sunday / Phoenix / Chicago=33

  • CHI stays on 336 AT road wins


4 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

thats why GS won today they stayed on 3307AT losses vs the ” Rockets”

4 months ago


Going DAL +3.5 with the chance to upset

  • DAL last beat ATL 1085 days ago

William Russell=185

  • DAL goes to 4-4 44 days till the Popes next bday

193/44P: Skull & Bones / William Russell / Week 9 =193
Dallas Cowboys / William Russell / KBB / Week Nine=44
The Georgia Guidestones were 19 ft and 3 inches (193)

  • DAL goes to 4-1 on the road  179 days till the next Illuminati foundation anny

179/41/13P: Dallas Texas=179
Atlanta Falcons / Dallas / Dak Prescott=41
13DN / Sun / Pope / Dallas=13

  • ATL drop to 5-4

251/54P: Queen died 251st DoY
Sun / Upset / Skull and Bones / KBB / Jesuit Order / Atlanta Georgia / Americas Team=54

  • ATL drop to 2-4 at home

89/24P: William Huntington Russell / Mercedes-Benz Stadium=89

  • DAL goes to 20-11 AT vs ATL  and DAL HC gets his 47th AT DAL HC win 211 days till the Queens next coronation anny

211/47/15P: Dallas / Atlanta=15

  • ATL fall to 11-20 AT vs DAL

The Jesuits operate in 112 nations

  • DAL goes to 9-7 on the road AT vs ATL 97 days from Daks last bday

97/25P: Pope / Tom Brady / Falcons=25

  • ATL drop to 7-9 AT at home vs DAL and DAK gets his 79th AT win

79/22P: 22DN / Queen / Dallas / Texas=22

  • DAL gets their 602nd AT win 293 days till Kobes next bday


  • DAL get their 266th AT road win 266 days from the last Vatican City foundation anny

Iesus Hominum Salvator=266
Kobe was drafted on 266
Pope Francis is currently the 266th Pope

  • DAL stays on 260 AT road losses and ATL HC stays on 26 AT HC wins

Queen / Week Nine=26

  • DAL QB stays on 50 AT losses and ATL get their 229th AT home loss

229/50P: Cedarian DeLeon  Lamb / Kirk Cousins=50

  • DAL QB gets his 35th AT road win

149/35P: Skull and Bones=149  
Jupiter / Kirk Cousins=35

  • ATL stays on 405 AT wins 197 days till the founder of SK&Bs next death anny and 45 days from Kirk Cousins last bday

197/45P: Skull & Crossbones=197
Kirk Cousins=45

  • ATL get their 521st AT loss 98 days till SB 59

521/98P: Queen died 9/8

  • ATL HC drops to 9-11 as ATL HC AT 
  • ATL QB stays on 84 AT wins 84 days till Kobes next death anny

Sunday / Jesuit Order=84
Pope born on 84DN PURE

  • ATL QB gets his 78th AT loss

Sunday / The Jesuit Order / Rayne Dakota Prescott=78

  • ATL QB stays on 48 AT home wins

223/48P: Skull and Crossbones=223
Atlanta / Jesuit Order=48

  • ATL QB gets his 37th AT home loss 37 days from the last Jesuit Order foundation anny

157/37/12P: Dallas Cowboys=37

4 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

the line indicates a potential upset so I like them +3.5

4 months ago


Bob made a great observation of DC getting their 666th AT loss and NYG going to 3-6 but I just would rather skip the game then bet on Daniel Jones. He just doesnt throw TD’s

As a Giant fan I hope they go to Drew Lock sooner rather then later

This spread indicates an upset may be brewing but I made a very interesting find with regards to a 9-11 synch with DC HC whos was born on 9-11 and the teams AT H2H records since 9-11

I gotta lean DC ML

  • DC last beat NYG 49 days ago

September 11 / Twin Towers=49

  • DC goes to 7-2 72 days from Kobes last bday

Jupiter / Jesuit Order=72
Francis became Pope on the 72nd DoY
Brady won SB on a day leaving 72 DLiY

  • DC goes to 3-2 on the road and gets their 32nd AT road win vs NYG 13 weeks 1 day till Bradys next bday

131/32P: Commanders=131
Brady retired on the 32nd day of the year
Kobes jersey #s add up to 32
Jesuit logo has 32 Rays of Light

  • NYG drop to 2-6

101/26P: Washington Commanders=101

  • DC gets their 73rd AT win vs NYG and stay on 367 AT road losses

367/73/21P: Week Nine / New York Giants=73
Sunday / Giants=21
WTC opened up in 73

  • DC stays on 108 AT losses vs NYG

Daniel Patrick Quinn / Sagittarius=108
108 is sacred in Geometry

  • DC stays on 58 AT road losses vs NYG w 58 DLiY and on 58 DN PURE

Twin Towers / George W Bush / Met Life Stadium / Commanders / Washington=58

  • DC gets their 16th AT win vs NYG and DC HC gets his 53rd AT HC win 53 days from the last 9-11 anny which is also 53 days from his last bday

241/53/16P: Sunday November 3 , 2024  / Osama Bin laden=241
George Bush / Week 9=53

4 months ago
Reply to  Savy7878

Giants can get 109th head to head win all time(59th at home) in 186th head to head game all time.(Ohtani born 186th doy and just won in NY 186-> 18y6m from 9/11 to COVID)

 Could be some covid stuff(3/11 was COVID now its 11/3). 70th career start for Vanilla Vick(Daniel Jones- Prophecy of Daniel 70 weeks in Book of Daniel Chapter 9 -Week 9 here ). Daboll can get 19th career win as well(COVID 19)

Giants last home win head to head was on 10/22 and Daniel Jones 10022 days old here. NY can get 405th win at home all time here.            

 Commanders code is simple. Keep giants at 58 Home wins head to head on 58 DN and 58 Dliy.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gomz
4 months ago
Reply to  Savy7878

Its all about the 1972 season indeed. 7-2 for both bills and washington. lol.

4 months ago


Would not shock me to see Indy cover the 5.5 but MIN ML for me

  • MIN last beat IND in MIN 1 year and 322 days ago
  • MIN goes to 6-2 293 days till Kobes next bday

293/62P: NBC / Queen / Minneapolis=62

  • MIN goes to 4-1 at home and IND HC drops to 13-13 AT 179 days till the next Illuminati foundation anny

179/41/13P: Vatican City=179
Skull and Bones / Week Nine / KB / The Vatican =41
13DN / Pope / Sun=13

  • MIN drops to 4-5 197 days till the founder of SK&Bs nest death anny

197/45P:  Skull & Crossbones=197
Moon in Sagittarius / ruled by Jupiter
Sagittarius  / Jupiter / Leif Erickson=45
Brady retired at age 45
IND plays Bills next
Buffalo Bills=45

  • IND drop to 1-4 on the road

191/43/14P: Indianapolis / Lief Erickson=43
MIN QB wears #14

  • IND fall to 18-9 AT vs MIN 189 days till their HC’s next bday
  • MIN gets their 9th AT win vs IND and 9th AT home win vs IND 83 days from the founder of SK&Bs last bday

83/23/9P: Yale University / Joseph Vincent Flacco=83

  • MIN stays on 18 AT losses vs IND

283/61/18P: Skull and Crossbones / Minnesota Vikings / Minneapolis Minnesota / Sam Darnold=61
Sun / Indiana=18

  • MIN goes to 9-6 AT at home vs IND and IND drop to 6-9 AT on the road vs MIN

Vatican City=96
Queen died at age 96

  • MIN gets 550th AT win

257/55P: Yale University=257

  • MIN stays on 187 AT home losses 187 days from the last CoS foundation anny
  • MIN QB gets his 35th AT win

149/35P: SK&B / Indianapolis =149
Jupiter/ Virgo / Minnesota / The Vatican =35

  • IND stays on 266 AT road wins 266 days from the last Vatican City foundation anny

  Currently on the 266th Pope
Kobe was drafted on 266

4 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

The biggest 14 going for Indy is that Flacco can get 105th win 14th triangular. This game is on my Upset radar for sure. Flacco/Fluko wins stupid games.
He won Superbowl with Purple color team-Ravens and here he can beat purple color team to get 105th career win in 105th NFL season.

Last edited 4 months ago by Gomz
4 months ago
Reply to  Gomz

What worries me about vikings,Is that in the 2016 season they had the same thing happen with a qb name Sam. Went undefeated till the bye weak then lost 4 or 5 straight.

Last edited 4 months ago by dwayneneal
4 months ago

Touchdown Props-

Darnell Mooney (ATL) First TD , ATTD

Darnell Mooney 69th game ;Atlanta=69 ;First Touchdown=69
Kirk Cousins 154th RS start ; 154 weeks since Mooney’s last time scoring 1st TD 
5 days past his birthday ;Seeking 5th TD on season

JK Dobbins (LA Chargers)- ATTD

JK Dobbins 35th game including playoffs ;Browns = 35
322 days after his birthday 
JK Dobbins = 58;58 DN ;58 DLIY
JK Dobbins = 32;32nd RS game
216 weeks since JK first TD which was against the Browns;Cleveland area code is 216

Malik Nabers (NYG)- ATTD
Malik Nabers=105. Commanders=105. Giants seeking 105th passing TD vs Commanders @ home. 
42d from Nabers last TD. Malik Nabers=42. Washington=42. Touchdown=42

Daniel Bellinger (NYG)- ATTD (Super longshot) +2000
Last TD 1/15/23; 11/5 Election Day ; Playing Washington DC team
42 days past birthday; 38th game 308th DOY Election=38; Bellinger full name=186; 186th head to head game.107 weeks from last reg season TD.

Chris Olave- New Orleans Saints- ATTD
8 games 2 TDs ;Saints = 82
42 days since his last score too;1 month 12 days exactly 
Chris Olave = 112

Lamar Jackson – ATTD
Lamar Jackson 32nd RS rushing TD
Broncos = 32;Denver = 32
Lamar Jackson TD = 43, 92
43 weeks exactly after his bday
9 weeks 2 days exactly before his next birthday
35 days since last score can get 35th rushing TD all time 

DeAndre Swift (CHI)- ATTD-
42w after bday, 36th TD. Touchdown = 42. Cardinals = 36

DJ Moore (CHI) – ATTD-
DJ Moore 105th game; 105th nfl season , Arizona Cardinals =105
203 days after his birthday ;DJ Moore Touchdown = 203

Kenneth Walker III (SEA)- ATTD
#9 week 9
37th game ;Los Angeles=37 
13 days past birthday 13 DN ;LA=13 
Rams can be 15th opponent he’s scored against ; Rams=15

Jalen Hurts (PHI) ATTD
49th TD. 11/3. Eagles = 49/113. Jaguars = 49.

Best kept secret
4 months ago
Reply to  Gomz

Hurts has the same bday as Sidney Crosby, todays the 88th day since his bday on 8/7. If he gets a rushing td he will be @ 8 and currently has 8 passing tds.

4 months ago
Reply to  Gomz


Last edited 4 months ago by Gomz
4 months ago

SB56 and election 56 dliy theme. Week 9 here.

Puka Nacua (LAR)[43w from last reg season TD] +

Ameer Abdullah[4m3w from birthday and going for 96th point in Cinci=96 ] (LVR) +

Drew Sample(CIN)[first career td 201 weeks back and 201 days from last bday]

Can add kenneth Walker too #9 week 9

Last edited 4 months ago by Gomz
4 months ago
Reply to  Gomz

We got Sample.. +1100 .. less goo. Now wait for rams seahawks game.

4 months ago

DERRICK HENRY Touchdown (Baltimore Ravens)

Playing 135th game
Derrick Lamar Henry Touchdown = 135

Can score 109th touchdown
Derrick Lamar Henry Jr TD = 109

1m 4w 1d after first touchdown for Ravens
Derrick Lamar Henry Rushing TD = 141

1m 29d after first touchdown for Ravens
Can score 12th touchdown in his 9th game for Ravens

4 months ago
Reply to  RiCO33

Derrick Henry Touchdown 🏈

4 months ago

JAMES COOK Touchdown (Buffalo Bills)

On 3/11
1m 1w 3d (inc ED) after BD
James Cook Rushing Touchdown = 311 / 113

46w 4d before BD
James Dalvin Cook Rushing Touchdown = 464

2y 25d after first touchdown (which was on a Sunday)
Sunday Night Football = 225

4 months ago

NFL Brown Commander ritual decoded with possible election winner and Super Bowl 59 teams:

4 months ago
Reply to  216Packs

The CLE Browns are not even gonna make the playoffs how can you code them to make it to the SB off of a hail mary play?

With all due respect my seems you code with a bias towards CLE sports and you can never EVER be a successful coder with a bias towards your hometown teams

The Guardians had a shot but the Browns? If its Brown flush it down

Appreciate the finds but CLE aint making the SB with Jamies Winston

Last edited 4 months ago by Savy7878
4 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion

100% great finds

4 months ago
Reply to  Savy7878

Definitely agree. My only point was a possible narrative if the Back to the Future ritual continued for the Super Bowl like the one that we just saw play out for the World Series. A $5 future is not going to hurt too many. The 1955 teams from before the era of the Super Bowl were Cleveland and LA and there is a definite origin story there as LA Rams moved from Cleveland. #21 Ward intentionally gave up 2 touchdowns yesterday. Most fans including myself are likely now done watching for the season.

4 months ago

JALEN HURTS Rushing Touchdown (Philadelphia Eagles)

2m 3w 6d / 12w 4d after BD
Jalen Alexander Hurts TD = 236 / 124

25m 1d / 109w after only rushing touchdown vs Jaguars
Jalen Hurts Touchdown = 251
Hurts Rushing Touchdown = 109

Hurts = 49
Can score 49th RS rushing touchdown for the
Eagles = 49
While playing against the
Jaguars = 49

In his 70th RS game
Hurts Touchdown = 70

4 months ago
Reply to  RiCO33

Jalen Hurts Touchdown 🏈

4 months ago


JUSTIN JEFFERSON Touchdown (Minnesota Vikings)

214w after first touchdown
Justin Jefferson = 214
Jefferson Receiving TD = 214

Can score 37th touchdown
In his 69th game
Vikings = 37
Colts = 69

225d before BD
Sunday Night Football = 225

Possible Brace

On 11/3
1y 1m 3d (inc ED) after last brace

Can score 7th touchdown of season, in his 8th game
Can score 33rd touchdown on a Sunday
Sunday = 78 / 33

20w after BD
Brace = 20


AARON JONES Touchdown (Minnesota Vikings)

11m 2d (inc ED) after BD
Playing 112th game
Aaron Jones = 112

Can score 75th touchdown
While playing for the
Minnesota Vikings = 75
Against the
Indianapolis Colts = 75

Playing 8th game for Vikings, can score 4th touchdown
Sunday = 84
Rushing Touchdown = 84

Last edited 4 months ago by RiCO33
4 months ago

JORDAN ADDISON Touchdown (Minnesota Vikings)

281d / 9m 1w after BD
Addison Receiving Touchdown = 281
Jordan Addison TD = 91
Receiving Touchdown = 91
Vikings = 91

2m 25d (inc ED) before BD
Sunday Night Football = 225

1y 54d after first touchdown
Jordan Addison Receiving Touchdown = 154

1m 0w 5d after last touchdown
Jordan Lee Addison TD = 105
Can score against the
Indianapolis Colts = 105

4 months ago
Reply to  RiCO33

Jordan Addison Touchdown 🏈

4 months ago
Reply to  The Illusion


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