Royals beat Cleveland in Queen riddle

Cleveland dropped to 40-21

Queen Elizabeth II was born on 4/21

‘Royals’ are now 37-26

Queen Elizabeth II became the Queen in 1952, on the 37th day of the year, which fell on 2/6

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3 months ago

If you look at the run line horizontally from your box score, you also have 4, 2, 1 for Elizabeth II representing the old Royal and 111 for King Charles III and a 3 in the run total representing the new royal. Cleveland also has the 3rd best record in baseball behind Yankees and Phillies.

If you add up the hits for both teams you get 19 which might corresponds to COVID 19 where corona (crown) virus was born. If you add up all royal numbers on the first row you get 19. If you add up all guardian numbers on the second row you get 17. Add 19+17=36 or 6x6x6= 216 or the Cleveland area code where the game was played on 6/6/24 or 6/6/6 if you add 2+4. Take the average of 19 and 17 and you get 18. This was the 61st game of regular season and 61 is 18th prime. 18=3×6 or 6+6+6=>666 or 216 connection.

Cleveland also fell to 19 games above .500 with the loss. Definitely agree on the royal ritual and changing of royal regimes.

37 wins for the Royals is also special as 37 is 12th prime. 12=2x1x6 => 216 area code. 2024 World Series is 120th version. 3 and 7 are big with the Guardians with Diamond C or 3 and G or 7 at the start of Cleveland and Guardians. I thought lt 91-71 was a good proxy for the Guardians for their final regular season record as 9+7=16 and 1+1=2 for another 216.

Guardians are 3rd team to make it to 40 wins so far this season. Guardians are looking to win their 3rd championship with championships in 1920 and 1948 when they were the Indians. Cleveland Indians and Boston Braves scored 34 combined runs in 1948 World Series and game 6 had a final score of 4-3. Braves had 43 hits in the series Final score of this game was 4-3 as well.

43 has even deeper meaning to this team. 43 is the 14th prime. Tom Hanks wore 14 jersey and was featured on opening day 3 years ago when he threw out the first pitch for the Guardians first ever home game. It was an interesting reference to pi as 3.14 as a new chapter in team history began to spiral.

In the article, Hanks discusses how he sat in section 19 in 1977. 1+9+7+7=24 which is this year, 2024 can also be viewed as 48 as 2×24=48 and the eclipse came right through Cleveland on 4/8/2024. This is the Cleveland Guardians 3rd year with that name. Hanks also mentions Bobby Grich who is 75 years old and the team celebrates its 75th season since their last title in 1948 as Cleveland Indians. Bobby has three 3 B’s in it. B to me looks like a sideways crown. Could be the first connection to King Charles III (3 crowns). Grich’s birthday is on 1/15 which could tie to the length of the video in the article which is 1:15 or 75 seconds long. His birthday is on the 15th day of the year and O is the 15th letter and could also be viewed as a crown which I believe the team will obtain at the end of this year in an epic King Charles III riddle.

In 1948, Indians won Game 6 of World Series on 10/11/1948, 34 days before King Charles III was born. Bobby Grich was born 3 months 4 days after 10/11/1948 or 96 days. Game 7 of 2024 World Series is scheduled for 11/4/24 which is 3969 weeks from 10/11/1948. That’s is also 76 years and 24 days. Could receive crown on 11/5 if game runs into early morning which provides another clue and connection to 1:15 and 1/15 birthday of Grich. 3969 weeks is also 27783 days. 27783=3 to the 4th power x 7 to the 3rd power. More 3 and 4 relationships and 7 and 3 relationships. 7 is 4th prime and 7-4=3. Remember, the Guardians are named after the 4 stone Guardians of Transportation that are on the Hope Bridge which is next to Progressive Field.

11/5/2024 leaves 56 days left in 2024 and King Charles III was crowned King on 5/6/2023. So, Guardians and King Charles III could be connected to that date in a way. 5/6/23 to 11/5/24 is 550 days or 18 months exactly. 18 is 6+6+6 or 216 in a way. 55 is interesting as most good works are done with the 5 fingers on your left hand and 5 fingers on your right hand. I have always believed that is the true meaning of the Kingdom of God is at HAND. 11 is 1+1=2. 11/5 could be 2/5 or 55 or symbolically your hands.

Grich was also an Angel and the Guardians have an icon with a G and two wings. This is where Hanks comes in again. He was in a movie Castaway which featured his introduction to Wilson. W looks like another crown to me. A volleyball is an orb like the sun (wilSON). In the movie there is a lot of reference to Wings, yes another W and crown. The woman that sent the package to her cheating husband in Russia put artistic wings on the package. Chuck was also allegedly cheated on by his dentist and fiancée. The angelic wings are an important symbolic thread that run though out the movie. I think they represent love, hope, and salvation. The package is intended for her husband but arrives to Chuck in the movie. Chuck preserves the wings and writes “this package saved my life” on the package. If you have not made the connection already, Chuck is slang for Charles or King Charles III. Bettina is a feminine name derived from Elizabeth or Elizabeth II. This movie was released in 2000, 24 years ago. 144 minutes long or 12×12. 12=2x1x6.

Jose Ramirez is #11 and Jose is short for Joseph. 11 could be viewed as two angel wings. Interesting that Bettina created the wings and she represents Elizabeth II. I always thought Jose Ramirez represented Jobu from the movie Major League that was released in 1989. Jobu is 48 in ordinal 12 in reduction and 24 in reverse reduction. That movie was released on 4/7/1989. 47 is the 15th prime connecting to O as the 15th letter and also visible as a crown. The movie budget was $11 million and box office is listed as $75 million on Wikipedia. There are other fun movie connections as well. The scoreboard in the movie registers 2 2 in the 7th inning. 22/7 is an approximation of 3.14 or pi. Another 14 connection to Hanks on opening day 3 years ago.

Some thing about Ramirez and Clase hair and Tom Hanks island hair in Castaway on the movie cover that always has seemed connected to me. Add in the Bettina connection and it is stronger. In this way Ramirez could be Joseph, Clase could be Jesus as Emmanuel, and the Bettina wings could be Mary as Bettina is Elizabeth II and Elizabeth II’s full name is Elizabeth AleXandra Mary. Remember, the holy trinity is based on 3 or C. The trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The X in Alexandra is also interesting given it is the 24th letter and the Great American Eclipse made an X with both the path of the 2023 eclipse and 2017 eclipse over the US. The x is also on the sign at Progressive Field near the entrance.

Interesting that in the movie Chuck left the island with Wilson and Wings package. Two W’s or two crowns like QEII. Wilson wings equals 55 in reduction, 61 in reverse reduction. Wilson equals 34 in reverse reduction. Wings equals 63 in reverse. Bettina equals 26 in reduction and connects to many 26s with Elizabeth II. Chuck is 19 in reduction 89 in reverse and 26 in reverse reduction and connects to King Charles and many links to Covid 19, the crown virus that transitioned the world to his new regime.

Further, at the end of the movie, Chuck is at the crossroads of Texas route 48. The eclipse passed through Texas on 4/8/2024 and Cleveland on the same day. Cleveland also has Emmanuel Clase #48 who is the team’s SAVEiour. Emmanuel means God is with us. Clase derives from class where there are pupils. Could be reference to God’s eye.

If you are not intrigued yet, Steven Kwan is the leadoff hitter and Kwan in a way sounds like Crown. He wears jersey #38 and 3×8=24. Just like the former leader Lebron James of the Cavs was from Akron or A Crown. Cavs won championship on 6/19/2016. 6/19/2016 to 11/4/2024 is 3,060 days or 3 6s or 6x6x6=216 or the area code. 3060 days is also 100 months 16 days or 2 1s and a 6 with 2 0s or 2 crowns. World Series championship in 2024 and nba championship in 2016 would be 2 championships in 8 years 138 days. Cavs won 4-3 against Golden state for another 43 and 14th prime connection.

G is a very spiritual number. I, like many, have dedicated my life to following Jesus or G suss. Suss means to figure out, investigate, discover.

G is the 7th letter of the alphabet. To search for Jesus is to search for sevens in a way. The 7 days of the week. The 7 colors of the rainbow. The 7 planets visible to the ancients in the sky. Jesus is everywhere!

Last edited 3 months ago by 216Packs
3 months ago

Just started a YouTube channel in case any one is interested in following. I will be creating videos in the future to prove out more of the above content as time permits and my work schedule allows.

Also, one final comment. If you look at both games the Guardians and Royals played this week, both teams went 1-1 or another 11 or angel wings perhaps. If you add up the scores for both games, Royals scored 9 runs and Guardians scored 11 runs. Even more hidden in plain sight is the KC Royals could be the King Charles Royals just like the KC Chiefs are the King Charles Chiefs destined to win their third Super Bowl I suppose at some time.

Last edited 3 months ago by 216Packs
3 months ago

The 84 and 56 numbers in the attached image for upcoming MLB trade deadline chatter are interesting.

5/6 was the date the king was crowned and 1948 was the year the King was born. Cleveland also equals 48 in reverse reduction. Cleveland could be crowned on 11/5/24 leaving 56 days in 2024.

Taking it a step further, Moses Cleaveland was a surveyor from Connecticut and is considered the founder of Cleveland. Yes, there is a spelling difference between his last name and the city of Cleveland. His death date was 11/16. If the Guardians win the World Series on 11/4, that would be 12 days before his death date. 12=2x1x6 => 216 which is the city’s area code.

Moses Cleaveland is 84 in reverse reduction.
Cleaveland is 56 in reverse reduction and 191, the 43rd prime, in reverse along with 34 in reduction. More 4s and 3s. Could be the 4 sided square and its representation of Earth and the 3 sided triangle, the same image as the 3 nails on the cross between the hands and feet of Jesus. The combination of 4 as a base and 3 sides were often depicted in the form of a pyramid. I presume that is why there is an obelisk in the center of Saint Peter’s SQUARE in Rome with a pyramid (TRIANGLE) at its top and Saint Peter’s dome (CIRCLE) at the top of church dome. Ancients have always believed that personal transformation from our physical bodies to our spiritual souls is an important goal to achieve after prayer (notice the ray in the middle of prayer) and meditation (Amen is often explained as I believe but it could also mean A(no) MEN (short for menses or mind). So much of living a good life is quieting the carnal mind in your physical body so that your soul can grow.

Oddly enough, if you look at a google map of downtown Cleveland, the tallest building is an obelisk (key bank tower) with a pyramid on top and it is right next to Public SQUARE. I have always thought that a baseball field most resembles the union of the compass and square. The square is the outline of the foul line and if you set a compass on home plate, you would be able to draw the arc that forms the line between the infield and outfield. Might be why baseball is often considered America’s game.

The city of Cleveland was founded on 7/22/1796 by Cleaveland and there is a statue of him in Public Square with the same date. The statue also is featured in the opening credits of the move Major League. At the end of the movie when they play the championship game against the Yankees, the score is 2-2 in the 7th inning which could connect to the founding date of Cleveland on 7/22/1796 in a way.

7/22/1796 to 11/4/2024 is 228 years 3 month 2 weeks. 228=> 48 if 2+2=4; 32=2×16 => 216 area code. If 2 weeks = 14 days, then 228 years 3 months 14 days looks a lot like 3.14 or pi. The eclipse on 4/8/2024 could have ushered in a new age in Cleveland baseball. 4/8/24 is 211 days before 11/4/24. 211 is the 47th prime. 47 is the 15th prime. O is the 15th letter and also could represent a crown. Crown is 28 in reduction and 28=4×7 for another 47, 15th prime connection. 15=1×15 o=> 11/5/24 which could be the date of the 3rd championship for the team and its crowning achievement.

Heaven is 28 in reduction and often represented by the circle by ancient Christians. There are 14 phalanges bones on each hand. Two in the thumb and three in each finger. So, 28 phalanges bones in 2 hands. That looks like it resembles 228 years to me. The 3 months and 14 days resembles Pi or a CIRCLE. The conclusion I arrive at is that the work you do with your 2 hands on Earth (SQUARE) is what prepares you for heaven (CIRCLE)!

Queen Elizabeth II also died at the age of 96 on 9/8 and the movie Major League was released in 1989. Third championship is 89 in reverse reduction and 190 in ordinal. 190 could also be viewed as 19 crown and King Charles III ushered in the crown virus 19. 89 is the 24th prime (in 2024) and 11th Fibonacci. 11 is the jersey number of Jose(ph) Ramirez, the club’s star player, and also the 5th prime. Another 11/5 connection proven out. 11 also resembles the wings on their G logo.

Moses Cleaveland was born on 1/29. If 29 is the 10th prime then you have 1/10 or another 11. 11 seems very popular with this team if you read my prior posts and community chat on my new Yt channel (shameless promotion 🙂

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